Why Paint Matters

Why Paint Matters Your first impression starts when you pull…

Top Color Trends for Your Home in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic brought new meaning and purpose to the…

Top Five Benefits of Hiring a General Contractor

If you’re ready to build your dream home, one of the first…

Why I Think Uou Should “Rip off the Bandage” When Redecorating Your Home

We all know how painful it can be to just rip a bandage off.…
man painting home exterior blue

Color Me Confused

Color can change the look, feel and mood of a space. It’s not…
front door home exterior greenery

3 Remodeling Projects to Reenergize Your Home

Are the flowers in bloom and warmer weather inspiring you to…
backyard home seating area modern
home exterior garage

Consider the Benefits of Off-Season Home Improvements

There are considerable benefits to off-season home improvements. …
home renovation tools construction diy

Resolutions for Your Home Ring in Lasting Satisfaction

If you’re like most people when it comes to New Year’s resolutions,…
home exterior winter snow

Key Steps to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Prepare for colder temperatures. Severe winter storms can also…
construction workers

Shining a Spotlight on Careers in Construction

Did you know that it takes an average of 22 different subcontractors…

Starting Your Church Renovation

Have you and your congregation come to realize that your church…